That's a Wrap! Documents of Resistance: Our Time at Loisaida 2018

Our Time - Loisaida Center Exhibition Tour with artist Antonio Serna

Just completed the final report for the project Documents of Resistance: Our Time at Loisaida September 14—November 30, 2018. Images above are from a class visit from Argentina! We had a great time. For the entire run of the exhibition I gave several exhibition tours. The material and history is so dense and rarely discussed that tours are a valuable part of reaching people and bringing to life this important history.

Image above: Antonio Serna with Carlos Alvarez and his students from Argentina. October 16, 2018.

In conjunction with the exhibition:
Antonio Serna, Documents of Resistance: Our Time | September 14–November 30, 2018
Loisaida Center Inc, 710 East 9th Street, New York, NY (google map)

Our Time - Loisaida Center Exhibition Tour with artist Antonio Serna


Support for Documents of Resistance: Our Time is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs' Development Fund.

Documents of Resistance sponsored by LMCC and NYC Dept of Cultural Affairs