On Writing, Reflecting

I’ve been hoping to write more this year (and last year too, to be honest) but with life's interruptions finding the time to write and then structure the writing in a meaningful way has been difficult. So maybe these first attempts seem fragmented and disconnected at the moment, but I felt it was better to get it out sooner while the thoughts are fresh in my mind. Maybe in the future I worry about stitching it all together in to a longer piece.
Case in point, I wrote this short piece reflecting on arts worker organizing actions in NYC and France. The text has been included as an editorial in the NYC Museum Workers' Newsletter #1 👀Have a look!
The newsletter was published by the NYC Museum Workers Organizing Committee of which I am part of. You can read more about what we are doing in the current newsletter. You can also subscribe to follow our activities.
Image: Arts workers-occupiers with banners on the roof of L’Odeon, Paris, March 2021. Photo by Elliott Verdier @elliott.verdier for The New York Times
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